February 16th 2024

YeikCar Classic History


- App target Android API 33

- Integrate last version (Firebase Analitics and Crashlytics)

- Update: Libraries

- Update: Translations

- Update: Better performance App

- Update: Full support Android 13

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Update: Libraries

- Update: Translations

- Update: Better performance App

- Update: Support Android 13

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fixed: Error link dropbox account.

- Fixed: Attach vehicle image in Android 11

- Fixed: Crash some device Android 5.x.x

- Update: Improvement UI

- Update: Libraries

- Update: Translations

- Update: Better performance App

- Update: Support Android 12

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fixed: Attach vehicle image in Android 10

- Fixed: Crash some device Android 7.x.x

- Fixed: Crash some device Xiaomi Redmi Note 7

- Fixed: visual enhancement layout screen edit/create: expenses/income/maintenance/cleaning

- Update: Small UI changes

- Update: Libraries

- Update: Translations

- Update: Better performance App

- Update: Start support Android 11

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fixed: Crash some device Android 5.x.x

- Update: Libraries

- Update: Better performance App

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fixed: Can not restore backup on some devices

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fixed: Reminder activation when it has no mileage value


- Update: Android minimum version 5.0

- Update: Remove kayako support plataform

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Notes in reminders

- Add: Adaptive icon App

- Update: Create more flexible reminders (no date or odometer)

- Update: Timeline layout

- Update: Creation of reminders in a free version

- Update: Improvement UI

- Update: Application icons

- Update: Libraries

- Fix: Crash app in catalan sentences by insert sqlite apostrophe

- Fix: Crashes reportd by user in Android 9 - Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Nigerian Naira ₦ to the currency list

- Update: Libraries

- Update: Better performance App

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Android 9 full support

- Add: Slovak translation (Jozef Štefanek)

- Update: Navigation Drawer Layout

- Update: Libraries

- Fix: Not show notifications on Android 8 or higher

- Fix: Travel calculator results

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Privacy Policy


- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Update: App icon

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Android 8.1 full support

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Android 8.1 support

- Update: Helpshift to Kayako support plataform

- Update: Libraries

- Fix: Application crash when send database by email Android 8

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Timeline activities

- Add: New module reports (Summary,Statistics,Financial,Charts)

- Add: New module dashboard

- Add: Option to deactivate activities

- Add: Sort vehicle by date, name, year, model, brand

- Add: Android 8 full support

- Add: Catalan translation (Raúl Pachón)

- Update: Libraries

- Update: CSV File report

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fix: Dropbox Library

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fix: Recover Dropbox Backup

- Update: Libraries


- Add: Large aspect ratio display support

- Update: Navigation Drawer Layout

- Update: New Dropbox API, You need to relogin to your Dropbox account to use new API

- Update: Tranlations

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fix: Overwrite photo when editing vehicle

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fix: Application crash when some reminders are activated

- Fix: Error exporting to CSV files

- Update: Libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Fix: Calculate trips error


- Add: Ability to share image of fill-ups, maintenances, incomes, cleanings, expenses

- Add: Sort maintenance records, expenses, income and cleanings by date

- Add: Android 7.1 full support

- Update: Restriction date of first registration of maintenance, expenses, revenues, cleaning is removed

- Update: libraries - Fix: Other minor errors


- Fix: Other minor errors


- Fix: Edit Fill-Up distance

- Fix: Other minor errors


- Update: App requires GPS hardware manifest

- Update: libraries

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Add: Charts interval preference

- Fix: Error filter reports

- Fix: Error filter charts

- Fix: Error efficiency charts

- Fix: Other minor errors


- Fix: Error count Fill-ups

- Fix: Other minor errors


- Fix: Error crash in widgets


- Add: App Style( Theme)

- Fix: Error in graphs filter

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- Update: Places module

- Update: Various UI tweaks

- Update: translations

- Fix: Error crash get address in Maps

- Fix: Other minor errors

- Android N support


- Fix: Error creating new fill-up in Android 5.1


- Fix: Error creating new cleanings


- New: Possibility to Archive places (hide from the list)

- New: Possibility to filter places

- Update: Small UI changes

- Fix: Reminder's issues


- Fix: Error -505 to update application from PlayStore Android 5.0.x


- New: Feedback forum due UserReport(add, discuss and vote on ideas)

- Fix: Maintenance type selection is incorrect


- Fix: Small issues reported by users


- Fix: Critical error that does not allow data migration and force close


- New: Material design update, new look

- New: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) new runtime permission support

- New: Remove ads in free version

- New: Totally rewritten reminders

- New: Totally rewritten places

- New: Remove ads in free version

- New: In-app purchase

- New: Missed and partial fill-ups

- New: Independent units per vehicle

- New: Efficiency calculation mode

- New: FAB (Floating Action Button) on Dashboard

- Update: Permissions required

- Update: All tablet layout

- Update: All third-party libraries

- Fix: Add empty item places

- Fix: Maps crash in tablet

- Fix: A lot of small issues reported by users

- And much more...


- Fixed: Back stack messy to exit since widget

- Fixed: close unexpectedly when opening application


- Fixed: Back stack messy to exit


- New: Translations: Italian, Portuguese, German, French

- Improvement: Better performance App

- Fixed: other minor errors


- New: Redesigned interface

- New: Android 5.0 support

- New: Module performance statistics

- New: Android minimum version 4.0

- New: Option in calculating efficiency, current or previous volume

- New: Support integration with Freshdesk

- New: App code is refactored

- Update: All third-party libraries

- Update: Graphic section

- Improvement: Better performance App

- Fixed: Close crashes App in reminders

- Fix: Close crashes App when creating PDFs

- Quit: PDF export option was abandoned because library and does not support android 4.3 or higher

- Fixed: Other minor errors


- New: BetterPickers library

- Update: Graphs

- Update: Reports

- Fixed: Other minor errors

1.0.0 - Initial release (07-12-2012)